- NA release: 3rd December 1996
- PAL release: 1st March 1997
- JP release: 14th June 1997
- Developer: LucasArts
- Publisher: Nintendo
- N64 Magazine Score: 78%

Shadows of the Empire was a big “Expanded Universe” multimedia event, with this story getting a novel, soundtrack (for the novel), comic book, toys and, of course, a video game. Shadows of the Empire was released on the N64 and PC. I was originally going to use the PC version for this, as the game is identical, but it has video cutscenes with voice acting, however, controller support is poor (and the HUD goes tiny). With the help of remapping buttons, I was able to create a good setup that feels modern, using the strafe setup.
I played this as a kid and I do remember enjoying it.

The game starts off during the Battle of Hoth from The Empire Strikes back, with you controlling a snowspeeder. This section is the highlight of the game, with the snowspeeder feeling smoooth to control, and toppling AT-ATs with the tow cable is such a wonderful feeling. Unfortunately, the level isn’t very long, and it’s the best part of the game (you may notice the large amount of lives – that’s more for the poor platforming in later stages). If the entire game was like this, it would be a great game, but most of the game is on-foot.

You play as Dash Randar, who in this game is essentially a Han Solo clone (the novel expands the character’s personality a lot). You’re armed with a blaster that recharges, and you can get special ammo for it (best saved for bosses). The game heavily relies on autoaim, which is especially necessary as you can’t really aim up or down in any reasonable way (the aim button lets you, but it’s far too sensitive).
Trying to setup so you can flee Hoth, you start by watching the Millenium Falcon leave (shouldn’t Vader be standing nearby?), then blast your way through the stormtroopers attacking the rebel base. The shooting isn’t very satisfying and the movement is wonky.

After blowing up an AT-ST, you make your way off Hoth, and blast TIE fighters in an asteroid field in a dreadful turret section with awful controls. The game at least gives you plenty of time to react, as the bombs from the TIE bombers are really slow, and you have infinite missiles – they just reload between batches of 5.

Hunting for Boba Fett, Dash heads to a junkyard planet to get information from IG-88. I absolutely hated this level as a kid due to the controls, but I didn’t find it too bad – I think the ability to strafe helps a lot with lining up jumps, and I never figured that out the first time round. It’s still a very ugly planet, though – Shadows of the Empire was definitely ahead of its time for its use of greys and browns. At the end of the level, you take out IG-88, who gives you information on where Boba Fett is.

This is where the platforming really does take a nosedive. Dash’s jump is incredibly floaty and difficult to control, and the narrow paths of this level are built for you to fall off constantly. You get a jetpack half way through, which helps a bit, but is not as fun as a jetpack should be, due to being slow and only possible to use for short bursts.
You fight Boba Fett and the Slave 1 at the end. I ran out of ammo, but found a spot where Slave 1 couldn’t hit me, so was able to hit it a few hundred times to destroy it.
Some text explains that, after this, Boba Fett escapes, and an assassin tries to kill Luke, so it’s up to you to help protect him.

As Luke chills out at Obi-Wan’s home on Tatooine, Dash hears of a swoop gang heading to kill Luke. Speeding through this level is great, but it’s much better to go slowly to take out enemies. You find out information that an Imperial ship contains the necessary information.

As Luke waits outside in his X-Wing, Dash assaults the imperial ship on his own (this game makes Luke seem weak). Most of this level is messing with door switches in a large cargo hold. There are some secrets to find, but you only need to work your way in, then fight a big droid near the end. The jetpack you found earlier would have been handy, but Dash left it on his ship. On a side note, I do really like the Outrider.

In order to infiltrate a base, we need to go through a sewer. Dash has absolutely no issue diving though massive amounts of excrement, as you have to find a few different items to progress. The boss fight at the end is a horrible experience, with respawning tentacles and the poor jetpack controls underwater.

Going through the base, your job is to find a reactor to place charges to blow up a space elevator. Luke is also infiltrating this base to save Leia, but that’s just background information, and you never get to see them during gameplay. This is another dull level.

After another bad ship turret section, we get to actually fly the Outrider, and it’s great. You don’t get to focus on shooting other ships, though: your mission is to shoot four turrets, then fly into the base and blow up the reactor, Death Star 2-style. The game ends with Dash seemingly not making it (but then reveals his fate in the final cutscene).
Shadow of the Empire is not as fun as I remember. The genre has evolved a lot, and the controls are just strange and floaty. The full story is probably good, but this isn’t a good adaptation, as important points are relegated to scrolling text.

The first and last levels are superb. Some of the rest are good. A sad few are awful.
James Ashton, N64 Magazine #1
Remake or Remaster?
This game definitely needs a remake, perhaps with a few more levels added as well, with better integration of the story – perhaps even working alongside Luke.
Official ways to get the game.
The PC version of the game is available via GOG and Steam
N64 Games by Date
1997: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1998: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
1999: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
2000: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
The GOAT, but like you say, bad platforming and overly difficult sections.
A surprisingly important part of Star Wars history. This was the first major original SW project since Return of the Jedi was released in theatres 13 years prior and it was originally considered canonical by Lucasfilm (in fact, the Outrider ship actually makes a brief appearence in the Special Edition version of A New Hope!).
SOTE was directly responsible for convincing Lucasfilm to ruin revive the Star Wars movie franchise with the Special Edition re-releases of the original Star Wars movie trilogy (which itself lead into the Prequel Trilogy). So without SOTE, we may well have never seen Star Wars return to theatres (whether or not that’s a good thing is up for debate though :p).