Tag Archives: 2007

Avenue of Death

This flash game was made to promote the release of the Young Bond novel Hurricane Gold, the fourth book in the series. It depicts a few scenes from the book as Bond has to make it though the Avenue of Death, getting past…

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This is a sequel to 007 Spy Files, also coming with a series of Magazines. It’s another Top Trumps style game, but with a few differences. This version uses all cards rather than separating them out by category. Gadget card are now bonus…

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Conquest is a budget 4x strategy game that has a board game feel about it. You pick a race, build fleets, conquer systems and gain more resources to build more stuff. The maps itself is quite small with only a few spaces between…

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A trivia game with many questions about The Original Series. You roll the dice and answer a question from the category you land on. If you get it correct, you take another turn. Each player also has three “communicator” cards that allow them…

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Sonic the Hedgehog got a port to the old click wheel iPod. While the rom has been backed up, it has not been cracked so even if you get hold of a compatible device, there’s no way to install it. The only way…

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This has all the same issues as the first Sonic Rivals game. The racing mechanics are simply not fun at all due to rubber-banding AI and annoying power ups and items. Sonic Rivals 2 features eight campaigns, although four of them are duplicates…

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The final Sonic Cafe game was another card game – this one being seven card stud poker. You create your own avatar to play against Sonic characters. It sounds like this game was dependant on an internet connection, as closing or being disconnected…

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Compared to all the other mobile games released on Sonic Cafe, this seems to be by far the most complex. In each zone (there are seven in total), Sonic has to reach the front of the train by running along the platform. However,…

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It’s spot the difference featuring images from Sonic X. Hover your curser over the parts of the image that look different and click. You get 20 points for a correct click and -5 for an incorrect click, with a time bonus if you…

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Rings, Emeralds and Dr Robotnik will fly from the bottom of the screen to the top. Clicking on rings gets you 1 point, emeralds get you 5 points and Dr Robotnik takes away 10 points. It’s very, very basic. The icons also barely…

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