Tag Archives: 2015

This is a series of cards containing trivia questions. It can be played on its own, but for a proper game you need to use a regular copy of Trivial Pursuit.

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Star Trek: Five-Year Mission is a co-op dice game that uses mechanics from a simple dice game called “Roll for It” – which incidentally was a game I bought because of Wil Wheton’s TableTop show. There are three decks of “alerts” in increasing…

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After Trexels, Star Trek needed to jump straight on the next mobile gaming fad. Following on from the success of Candy Crush, Wrath of Gems is another Bejewelled clone that has some Star Trek flair stuck onto it. You play by swapping the…

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Star Trek: Alien Domain was a browser-based MMO that had a focus on base building and resource management. It got an expansion/update in 2019 with Incursion before being shut down in 2022. Due to this, there is no way to play the game.…

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Road Trip is a series of basic roll and move board games. You have to collect attack tokens in order to progress, with action and 50/50 cards giving you bonuses or making it worse for you. The goal is to get a toll…

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I had no idea that Java games were still being made in 2017, but I guess some areas are still mainly using cheaper phones, so this caters to them. This is based on the smartphone game of the same name, and is a…

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The same terrible Monopoly board game as the previous one, this time with a Sonic Boom theme. There’s really not that much to talk about that wasn’t covered in the write-up for that, other than pointing out that the use of screenshots for…

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This is the same kind of puzzle game as Sonic Heroes Puzzle. Icons come down as blocks of three, you can alter the order of the icons and place them. You need to match the character to the items they link to to…

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The sequel to Sonic Dash, this removes a bunch of features and replaces them with…not a lot, really. It’s a similar endless runner, this time on really dull looking stages (I think I encountered three types, they’re not interesting enough to spot the…

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I Had to play a fan restoration called “Revival”. This is an endless side scrolling runner game. Sonic will automatically run right and you tap the screen to jump. While the game is responsive and quite speedy…it’s just incredibly repetitive. There’s a “story”…

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