Tag Archives: driving

This game takes a silly concept and just has a ton of fun with it. The story is simple: there is a nuclear missile being transported on an automated truck. The truck malfunctions and heads to a location in a straight line. If…

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While the home console releases of Blood Stone and GoldenEye were split between platform, the DS got ports of both games on the same day, and both developed by n-Space (who previously made the DS port of Rogue Agent). Like the home console…

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Developed by Bizarre Creations, known for games like Project Gotham Racing and Geometry Wars (they also made one of my childhood favourite games, Wiz ‘n’ Liz), this is a brand new third person adventure starring Daniel Craig. Strangely, this was released on the…

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By 2011, the smartphone ere of mobile phones was in full swing, so it’s surprising that a Java-only licensed James Bond games was made at the time, developed by Gamelion with the name “License to Drive”. While the name is obviously supposed to…

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Returning after the N64 version of The World is Not Enough, Eurocom make the next EA Bond game with another unique story. This time, it stars Pierce Brosnan’s face (but still not his voice), although is still a sequel to Agent Under Fire,…

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