The Sum of All Fears
The world is waiting. Counter the crisis. The Sum of All Fears is based on the forgettable Jack Ryan film starring Ben Affleck. One interesting…
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Unleash the Power of the Force The third in the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series of game – one that doesn’t like keeping the same name…
Die Hard Vendetta
America’s unluckiest cop is having another very bad day. Started originally as a game for the Nintendo 64, this Die Hard game eventually made its…
Medal of Honor: Frontline
You Don’t Play, You Volunteer Medal of Honor was once THE war first person shooter, until the EA failed to keep the franchise relevant once…
TimeSplitters 2
Fight against the TimeSplitters as they attempt to destroy humanity’s past, present and future. After Perfect Dark, most of the team that worked on it…
Agent Under Fire
When the world needs a hero, James Bond answers the call. After The World is Not Enough, EA decided that sticking to the schedule of…
The World Is Not Enough
In order to separate newer James Bond games from GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies was a third person shooter on the PS1 (and wasn’t very good).…
Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
Shortly before Turok 2 came out, Half-Life released PC, with a big focus on a linear, but more cinematic, first person shooter. This was too…