Tag Archives: game gear

The 8-bit version of The Duel has the same level themes as the Mega Drive version, however, the level layout and structure of the game is completely different. Also gone is the requirement of saving hostages as well as setting off bombs in…

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Star Trek TNG Beyond the Nexus Screenshot

A game loosely based on Star Trek Generations. It uses the Advanced Holodeck Tutorial as a basis and adds more modes (although more minigames) to kind of tell the story. It starts off on the Enterprise B on it’s maiden voyage when it…

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Star Trek TNG Advanced Holodeck Tutorial Screenshot

When I first saw the name, I though it was a strange way of downplaying a game to make it sound not so good. But after playing the NES and Game Boy versions of this game (which didn’t have the subtitle), it’s actually…

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The Game Gear version is pretty much a worse version of Sonic Spinball, with even clunkier controls, the game feels extremely sluggish and it’s just not a nice experience. The levels have the same names and while the layouts are roughly the same,…

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A version of Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine for the Game Gear and Master System. This features much simpler graphics, but due to the more limited colour choices, I can actually tell them apart a lot more, so I can actually play it…

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Despite its cute style, this might be the most difficult Sonic game. You control Tails as he flies around with his ring gadget. You can throw this to enemies and interact with objects using it. The screen will automatically scroll to the right,…

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While the first Sonic Drift was extremely brand, this one is immensely better. The control feels smoother and it has an increased sense of speed, but by far the biggest change is the levels. There are a lot more level themes this time…

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This really wasn’t what I expected from a Tails spin off on the Game Gear. For starters, the graphics are really nice for a Game Gear game, looking a lot closer to the Mega Drive games than the other Master System/Game Gear Sonic…

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An extremely basic kart racer made for the Game Gear. Because of how big the screen is, Sega decided that there was too much to handle and had all the gameplay take place on the lower third of the map, with the background…

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For the Game Gear, this is an impressive title. As it was made for the Game Gear specifically, and not ported from the Master System, it utilises the Game Gear’s screen estate properly, the sprites are smaller and you can see more of…

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