Tag Archives: Kelvin

Playing this game now, it very much has a crisis of identity. The game boots up with USS Voyager artwork and you’re given some of the TNG crew at the start, but then the state of the universe makes no sense and the…

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Bridge Crew was originally released as a VR exclusive, before being patched to allow people to play it without VR. The ideal experience is to play this in VR with motion controllers with three other friends playing it in VR with motion controllers.…

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Based on the Kelvin Timeline introduced in the 2009 “reboot” film, this is a new adventure starring the crew of the films, with the film’s actors providing voice work. The game is focused on co-op, letting you and a friend play as Kirk…

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D-A-C stands for “Deathmatch, Assault, Conquest”, the three game modes in this arcade ship shooter. I couldn’t get the game to run on PC, and because absolutely nobody cares about this game, couldn’t find any methods to try, so I tried the Xbox…

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The version of Star Trek: The Mobile Game for iPhone is essentially a nicer looking version of the button Java version. The enemy layouts are exactly the same, as well as the pace of the game. The graphics look more 3D, with a…

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The version of Star Trek: The Mobile Game is similar to the version made for button phones, but does have changes. The game is much, much slower, with lots more space to move around as the view is zoomed out and the visible…

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Star Trek: The Mobile Game. It’s everything you expect a cheap java Star Trek to be: a vertical scrolling bullet hell shooter. While The Birds of Prey was a fun take on the genre, this is just mindless and dull, even though there’s…

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Kobayashi Maru is a browser game made to promote Fleet Captains. It let you try out the Kobayashi Maru in a choose-your-own adventure style with the game giving you multiple choices. The pixel grahpics look very nice. Unfortunately, while the game is technically…

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Star Trek: Dark Remnant is a VR ride arcade game that was available in Dave & Buster’s. Up to four people sat on the ride, which would tilt and turn to emulate the feeling of the ship moving. You were a member of…

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Star Trek Rivals is a simple card game using images from Star Trek 09. Each card has a number on each side. You and your opponent take turns placing one of your five cards in a 3×3 grin. The aim is to place…

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