Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Be Luke Skywalker or Wedge Antilles and join the Rebellion against the Empire today! One thing that Rogue Leader does impeccably well is putting you…
Custom Robo V2
The first Custom Robo surprised me with how much I loved it, and this keeps up the momentum by providing an enhanced experience and not…
The World Is Not Enough
In order to separate newer James Bond games from GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies was a third person shooter on the PS1 (and wasn’t very good).…
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The development of Majora’s Mask was a mess. Nintendo knew they wanted to build upon all the work they did on Ocarina of Time, but…
F-Zero X Expansion Kit
One of the big possibilities for the 64DD was the ability to add new content to games. Each time the device got delayed, more and…
Worms Armageddon
The PC version of Worms Armageddon is a game that Team17 have never been able to live up to. Many Worms games have come and…
Custom Robo
Every now and then, a game I would have never expected to like will surprise me, making me very glad that I’m doing these playthroughs.…
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
When developing their first game, Sucker Punch had a lot of faith in Sprocket (the original name for Rocket, before trademarks got in the way).…
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
With how both Rayman 2 and Tonic Trouble were developed by UbiSoft and released so close to each other, it’s amazing how different they are…
Shadow Man
This was a game I was looking forward to. I read about it so much in N64 Magazine – who loved the game – but…