Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom
An all new Yu-Gi-Oh! Challenge To give some credit to The Falsebound Kingdom, this was not what I expected when I booted up a Yu-Gi-Oh!…
Defender: For All Mankind
Saving The Human Race! This a surprisingly interesting 3D reboot if the classic arcade game Defender. It has design elements that are from the arcade…
StarCraft 64
StarCraft is a big name in PC RTS games. The previous RTS port to the N64 tried to play to the console’s strength by completely…
Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs
Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs is a sort of port of the 1998 PC game Battlezone. It’s a hybrid of a vehicle-based first person…
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
The third game in the Ogre Battle series – and also the final one in the main series (there were some handheld spin-offs), this was…
Command & Conquer
I’ll be honest: I didn’t play a massive amount of the N64 version of Command & Conquer, I’ve played the game before on other platforms,…
Star Trek: Away Team
Away Team is an isometric strategy game, kind of like a real-time version of X-Com. You control a squad on board a ship called the…
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars
Dominion Wars is a real time strategy game set during the Dominion Wars of Deep Space Nine. You command a fleet of 1-6 ships in…
Star Trek: New Worlds
A few months after Star Trek Armada came out, we got another real time strategy game set in the Star Trek universe. This is a…