Tag Archives: RPG

The first Custom Robo surprised me with how much I loved it, and this keeps up the momentum by providing an enhanced experience and not one, but two new campaigns to play through. For this, I managed to find a beta English patch…

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The Shiren the Wanderer series is a spin-off of the Mystery Dungeon franchise, a series that has used multiple IPs throughout the years – although the latest two games (as of 2024) have also been Shiren the Wanderer games. These are games about…

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Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is a TV show that people tend to forget even existed, so much that I always thought that Hercules was a spin-off of the much more popular Xena: Warrior Princess, not the other way round. Xena was a show…

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Turn-based RPGs are not my kind of game, yet Paper Mario has so much charm that I can still adore the game . My first experience of Paper Mario was on the Wii Virtual Console, where I remember getting to a lava boss.…

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For the core gameplay, ISS 2000 doesn’t change much over 98, and is the same core game as the Japanese J-League Perfect Striker 2. That’s said, it’s a very solid football game and you have a few additional modes, such as custom tournaments…

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The second Legend of the River King game on N64 is quite a bit different to the first, pulling back on some areas of the game to focus on the fishing a lot more. The sprites are also a lot more zoomed in,…

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The development of Majora’s Mask was a mess. Nintendo knew they wanted to build upon all the work they did on Ocarina of Time, but the main people involved had different ideas. Shigeru Miyamoto originally planned for a 64DD expansion that reworked the…

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Robopon (short for Robot Ponkottsu, essentially “Robot Trash”) is a game that was very much inspired by Pokémon, launching on the Game Boy Color with Sun and Star versions, followed up by Moon version. The GBC game did end up getting released in…

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Every now and then, a game I would have never expected to like will surprise me, making me very glad that I’m doing these playthroughs. I always dismissed Custom Robo as the kind of JRPG that I don’t like, and magazines that reviewed…

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While I have been a bit unfair to arcade ports for lacking in content, Gauntlet Legends is an arcade game that makes a lot of sense for a home console port. The arcade game used a password system to play the game across…

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