Star Trek: Frontiers
Star Trek: Frontiers is a Star Trek version of the popular board game Mage Knight. It focuses on exploration of the Gamma Quadrant (although you…
Star Trek: Ascendancy
Star Trek Ascendancy is a game of exploration and conquest, although you can try to avoid the conquest if you want. Each player starts on…
Star Trek: Fleet Captains
One of the big Star Trek board games. This came with 24 miniatures, a ton of cards and is quite an in-depth game. There’s a…
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (NES)
While this shares the same name as the MS DOS game, this is not a console port of the 25th Anniversary. This is a completely…
Star Trek: The Adventure Game
With a quick glance at the board, this looks like it could be another war game, but it’s the complete opposite: there is no direct…
Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative
The manual is a very important requirement for playing this: There’s a big backstory, plus it lists the systems and planets you can visit. Even…
Star Trek Game (1979)
This board game definitely has some interesting ideas. It’s another one I had to recreate in Tabletop Simulator, although it doesn’t have the nice Enterprise…