James Bond 007 (Atari)
After a few failed attempts to get a developer to make a James Bond game for the Atari, Parker Brothers ended up developing it themselves. The end result was a vehicle game clearly inspired by Moon Patrol. It’s a side scrolling shooter and…
James Bond 007 – As Seen in Octopussy
This was going to be the first official James Bond video game, and a demo was playable at some game shows, such as the Electronic Fun Expo. It was a side scrolling shooter set on a train, where you fought goons while racing…
James Bond 007: Role-Playing In Her Majesty’s Secret Service
A full RPG like this is a very daunting thing to play, plus requires a ton of work from more than just one person, so I’ve only skimmed and read up about this. The game covers how James Bond (and other agents) are…
Star Trek II Video Game Watch
I’ve found conflicting information on when this was released, with some places stating 1992. I think it was released in the early 80s in Hong Kong. Enemies orbit the Enterprise in a circle and you have to aim missiles to shoot them. The…
Struggle For The Throne: Star Trek III
Struggle for the Throne is a Klingon-themed board game. It’s a game about scheming and subterfuge to begin with, then turns into full on war. You start off with a small fleet and can request more from the Emperor (determined by playing influence…
Star Trek: Starship Tactical Combat Simulator
This is a very heavy and detailed tactical board game. I barely managed to scrape by with the tutorial scenario, and there are a lot more rules that get introduced afterwards. While it’s not something I look for in board games, the amount…
Star Trek Adventure
The first Star Trek text-based adventure game. There’s not much story to this one: the Enterprise is disabled and Kirk is the only one left on the Ship. Spock is in the hands of Klingons and you need to find components to repair…
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (C64)
Sega made multiple home ports of the arcade game Strategic Operations Simulator, so I decided to check one out. The Commodore 64 version looked the best graphically, so I went with that. It’s pretty much the same game, although now the first person…
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator
The first official Star Trek arcade game, developed by Sega with a release in two forms: a stand up cabinet and a sit down machine. The graphics are similar to the Vectrex game, using neat lines. The game gives you both a top…