- Original Release: 2006
- Developer: Javaground
- Publisher: Sony Pictures Digital
- Platform: Java Mobile
A 2D platforming/shooting game for Java Mobile phones, this loosely follows the story as you go through 14 short levels based on events in the film.
For a Java game, the controls are surprisingly smooth, with Bond jumping, rolling and running across platforms, using special “Bond Moves” to cross large gaps and climbing up and along pipes. Moving around works really well, even with the limited controls.
Combat is also simple, but effective. The same button activates shooting or – if you’re close to an enemy – punching. I focused a lot on punching and after a few hits, you can perform a quick time event for an instant takedown. You’ll find a few different kinds of guns, including a sniper rifle that can be used to activate buttons. You can also use “Bond move” in some places to kill a group of enemies using the environment, or sneak up behind them for an instant kill.
A few levels are stealth-based, but the game is very lenient and gives you a 10 second window between a guard spotting you and failing the level – kill them and the timer is cancelled. I was able to run through the stealth levels, quickly punching my way through enemies.
If you complete a level without dying, you can also upgrade your skills to be better at shooting, brawling, defence and stealth – although I focused on brawling and defence.
This is a short but sweet platform game. While it’s easy, it’s also a lot of fun. This is definitely one of the better Java mobile games that I’ve played.
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