- Original Release: 2011
- Developer: Hasbro
- Publisher: Hasbro
- Platform: Board Game

While this is still the exact same game as regular Monopoly, there’s a bit of effort put into the design of this. Every single part of the game has been translated into Klingon and the overall design is extremely nice – apart from the four corner tiles that Hasbro never like to change (although they still approved Klingon translations on them). Things have also been reworded to make it sound like a war game – money represents the size of your forces. It doesn’t make any difference to how the game works, but it does add a bit of charm to this version. It’s still an awful game.
Browse Games By Year
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I Have this in the attic still. Bought it the day it came out. Played it once with my dad who insisted on reading everything in a thick Klingon accent and it was so annoying I’ve never played it since.
The House of Martok has become the Hotel of Martok!