- Original Release: 2013
- Developer: Digital Extremes
- Publisher: Namco Bandai
- Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, PC

Based on the Kelvin Timeline introduced in the 2009 “reboot” film, this is a new adventure starring the crew of the films, with the film’s actors providing voice work. The game is focused on co-op, letting you and a friend play as Kirk and Spock (although you can play singleplayer with the computer handling the other character).

The game is very clearly unfinished, it’s quite buggy with very wonky animations. Luckily, my latest playthrough I only encountered a couple of times where the glitches caused Spock to die, most of it was just odd visual bugs, such as within the first minute where Kirk span around in a circle and hovered up above the bridge.

Despite this clunkiness, I can’t bring myself to hate this game, I really enjoy it a lot. The dialogue between Kirk and Spock keep things moving and the game tries to keep itself fresh with different environments (they do a great job with the “giant industrial brewery” style of the Enterprise interior) and action pieces like skydiving. The combat is quite simple, but entertaining, with a focus on stealth and finding hidden tunnels and vents to sneak into positions to hack turrets.

The plot follows an attack on New Vulcan, where Gorn from another alternate universe have invaded to take a powerful device the Vulcans were working on. These Gorn are very different and you’ll encounter different types with strength and abilities to provide variety of enemies. The Gorn also have a virus that can turn your own crew against you, and the game heavily suggests stunning them instead of killing them – various sections have bonus objectives such as non-lethal or stealth to gain extra XP.

Shooting is a fairly generic cover shooter. I found myself using stun (which only makes enemies dizzy) then punching them to knock them out. There are various weapons to try, but the trusty phaser is usually enough. Some sections encourage stealth, but this is always optional. There are turrets, cameras and doors to hack using simple minigames, and is always risky trying in combat.

While this Star Trek game doesn’t really excel at any particular thing, it’s still a very enjoyable romp with a good story and fun action.
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Did it have couch co-op or was it online only?
Both on Xbox 360 and PS3, but online only on PC. I don’t know if the online servers work on any platform, though.
It was a fun game. I think it suffered from a lack of replay value but the game itself was solid enough
Star Trek isn’t about shooting people.
That game was cool. Love the Kelvin universe, and 3rd person cover shooters are just the best. Lots of fun. 👍
Played it this year. Had fun too. Repetitive sure. But we’ve heard less critics on repetitive games.
I loved the glitches! They made the game, as annoying as they could be. (I mostly watched while my brother played the game.)
I remember having a glitch on where I killed the first Gorn in the wrong part of the room, so it didn’t trigger the cutscene where it breaks the door down. So I was stuck in the room, and then the dead Gorn started sliding around chasing after me and levitating Spock.
I wish they allowed you to roam around more. But i had fun and wouldnt mind a ps5 remastering
I remember hearing horrible things about this game, but decided to rent it for myself anyway. I had SO much fun with it, from the cinematic storytelling to the incredible soundtrack, and ESPECIALLY with the space diving sections! It’s a messy game, but a fun Trek romp!🎉
Somehow i pretty much Liked the game
i really enjoyed this one. they reimagined the Gorn before SNW